I want to study Aviation because I love plane. I love travelling in the sky because sky is no limited. I can fly like a bird when I was travelling on the plane. Secondly, there isn’t any Aviation course in Hong Kong. Therefore I would like to study in University of South Australia because this school is famous for Aviation. I hope I would be a captain in future. Thank you my parents give me an opportunity to study abroad and thank you Connie helps me a lot in studying abroad.
Law Hiu Chun Ken (SAIBT, University of South Australia)
今天是9月12日,出發到Portsmouth讀書前6天,帶著既緊張又輕奮的心情準備迎接未來的新生活。兩個月前的我還在為前路感到傍惶,心裡想只是Asso畢業的我又有什麼作為?能找到好工作嗎?直至朋友介紹,讓我找到一條適合自己的路,實在是豁然開朗,整個人仿如從陰霾裡走出來一樣,到英國讀書是我從來不敢想像的,這是我從小到大的夢想,如今實現夢想實在是非常高興。希望在新一年我能學會更多在香港學不到的知識,學會自主獨立。最後要感謝我的家人和Super Red 的人員的支持。謝謝!
Tam Tsz Ching Vienna (University of Portsmouth) |
在此我承諾:我會努力讀書入Otago U,做一位傑出的營養師,要家人為他們的女兒感到驕傲,希望所有為我憂心對我滿著期望的人都安心。最後我在此感謝上主給予我機會到外國讀書,給予我機會遇到Super Red安排及打點一切,以及給予無限人對我的鼓勵。Thanks God! Thanks Super Red的每一位!
Chung Cheuk Ying (Kaikorai Valley College) |
Hello, I am Nicholas Fung. I studied in Shatin IVE, Higher Diploma in Chemical Technology with Management. This is a great opportunity to study abroad. I am going to study Final year in Plymouth University – BSc (Hons) Environmental Science in Sep 2014. Super Red Education and Training Centre support me much. They give advice and information which I need. They are nice and patient. Also, they help me to solve many problems from my parents. Last but not the least, I would like to thanks every staffs in Super Red, especially Cathy, Connie and Wendy!
Nicolas Fung (University of Plymouth)
I wish to study Medicine and Surgery for a long time. My brother is studying Occupational Therapy in University of South Australia. Also I am interested in human body structure. Due to my brother’s influence, it helps me to aim my target at MBBS. For my result in Hong Kong, it is nearly 100% impossible for me to reach my target. Therefore I go to talk with Connie. Connie helps me to find the most possible way to study MBBS and Wendy helps me a lot about the procedures of applying universities. Really thanks a lot to Super Red especially Connie and Wendy. Wish Super Red all the best!
Alex Pang (Bradford College, University of Adelaide) |
最後,真係再多謝多一次!Thank you so much!
Pearl Kwong (ISC - University of Sussex) |
Thank you so much for all your help throughout this year. I really appreciate that.
I am very grateful to be transferred to University of Queensland with all your help with every single detail during the application. We made the impossible come true!
This journey of becoming a vet student was not as easy as I thought. I’m glad that my study of A level exam in Hong Kong had helped me tremendously. It is all about perseverance and hard work. The love towards animals are certainly essential in this career path, but sometimes we have remembered that we also have to see innocent animals suffer, or even putting a healthy animal to sleep.
It is a huge decision to make if one wants to be a vet, but I should say it is all going to worth it.
Thank you so much again!
Karen Kam (University of Queensland)
最後,當然要謝謝Connie和Cathy你們的幫助,感謝你們一直的跟進和建議,讓我可以找到一間適合我的學校!Thank you ^v^
Cheng Hoi Ki Hikki (ICM, University of Manitoba)
Firstly, I would like to give you big thanks! Without your determinate and gentle help, I think my future would still rambling in mist. The following is my little & brief sharing.
Having been studying for at least fifteen years, and passed the A-level examination, I would never give up my academic study without a bachelor degree. However, due to the weak financial support, I delayed the study abroad plan, went for the HK association degree course. Finally I scored 3.28 in semester A in year 1 and realized that it was completely hard to contest with hundreds of diligent student, therefore, I chose to quite after the first half year. I opt for the overseas plan to study hospitality in BBA stream. My confidence tells me I can earn back my tuition fee even the daily expenditure from my half-year internship and part-time job.
Lastly, thank you again and after the years. I will tell you who did you help an inane girl or smart and diligent girl.
Allison Choy (The Hotel School Sydney)
Connie,真的很感謝你和Mabel師姐對我的協助和幫助!本來對要去外國讀書的資料一知半解,只得周圍亂找人幫助,結果很多人都告訴我不能升上Year 1了,只可以讀foundation。因為我的成績不好,本身已經打輸數了,一定是不可能升上Year 1的。結果在Mabel師姐的幫助下認識了你,更與學校代表見面,即日便知可以升讀Year 1,對我來說,是沒有預料過的事呢!上天給我遇到你,安排了這麼好的路給我,真的很感謝!
特別感謝Connie你一直關心我的情況,另外Wendy亦一直幫了我很多!Thanks a lot!
Wong Sze Ting (ICP, University of Portsmouth)
多謝Super Red 的幫忙,特別是Connie和Natalie,幫我找到一間英國學校升學!真的麻煩你們經常解答我的問題,如住宿、當地環境等等。
Elaine Lui (ICWS, Swansea University) |
多謝Connie 和Wendy
Mother of Yiu Tsz Sum (Holmesglen Institute of TAFE)
我是Neso,原本想去英國或澳洲讀書,突然想起New Zealand的Otago U,上網找到間大學指定的Agent公司,就是創智教育。最初上到來都有些擔心,但想到他們是指定的Agent公司,我便走進去了。入到來找到 Wendy + Connie,你們真的好好,好快捷,是我去過的Agent公司中做事最快手,不夠兩星期已經幫我整理好入大學的文件,所以我真的很多謝你們兩位和其他幫過我的人!原本想讀完個高級文憑便出來工作,後來覺得出外讀書可以增廣見聞,便決定去外國升學了。我以前都去過其他國家,都有找過其他Agent公司幫手,但我覺得我知道的知識比他們還要多…但你們豐富的知識和經驗令到我很放心,將來有朋友想去外地升學,我一定會叫他們去找你們的,希望可以和你們繼續做朋友!真的不捨得香港的人和事,我就快要離開我的屋企人、朋友… 我要好好磨練自己一番,希望快些畢業,返回屬於自己土生土長的地方—香港。
Thank you so much to Wendy & Connie and Super Red Education & Training Centre again!!!
Lai King Yiu (University of Otago)
Lee Sin Yan (West Moreton Anglican College) |
剛剛那一年終於讀完foundation,今年我升大學了!多謝你地兩個一路以來幫左我咁多,Connie俾左好多升學意見我而Wendy又幫我跟文件跟得好足,無你地兩個我就唔可以咁順利去澳洲升學,Thank you very much!原本我真係好驚拎唔到offer,不過有你地兩個幫手就一切順利。我會好俾心機讀書,11月再返黎探你地!
Li Wing Tung Fiona (Curtin University of Technology) |
其實through Super Red去澳洲讀書係一次好偶然既機會。偶然去左會展聽升學展,Connie好有心幫我解釋澳洲既教育制度,話我知咩最適合,本身諗住係HK讀,但係係澳洲讀既話既choices會多d!所以好快就決定左去澳洲讀書!由開始攪到宜家三個月度,Wendy同Connie都好盡責,keep住幫我check住d野齊唔齊,book機票呀,visa呀,都好快!Good! 好多野都唔使擔心!希望讀完書返黎Connie仲記得我啦!各位師弟師妹都要加油呀!
Janise Tam (Deakin University) |
Good Luck =)
Hui Chun Tung(The University of Sydney)
多謝你的一切!由選心儀的大學到簽文件及各個程序,你及其他的同事都準備得非常妥當。所以,我和媽媽對所有的跟進都完全放心。實話實說Super Red是我和媽媽遇到最好的教育中心!He!He!
Rachel Lee(Griffith University) |
「求學不是求分數」這句說話在知識型社會無疑是欺騙的成份居多。面對沉重的高考壓力和缺乏興趣的科目,得出的成績自是強差人意。以這樣的成績在香港確是無緣擠身心宜的學科。在此我不得不衷心感謝Connie & Wendy給予了我這個機會。謝謝你們!
人生能有take two的機遇並不多,雖然我知道即將要面對另一重大的挑戰,但我會努力把握這次的機會。我相信將來在澳洲留學生涯會為我累積人生寶貴的經驗。
在未來的留學生涯中,還要勞煩Connie & Wendy的幫忙。謝謝^.^!
Cindy Leung(The University of Sydney) |
Thank you Connie =) I first applied for SFU in F.5 but I decided not to go. But going to F.6, I realize how hard the A-level syllabus was and decided to go to Vancouver. Connie was very helpful in helping me find colleges =) Don’t know what I would do without her!!! I hope I can pass all my courses smoothly and finish my university life<3
Thank you very much.
Rebecca Sum(Simon Fraser University) |
十分感謝您們的耐性和幫助 ! 您們對學生的事宜的照顧、效率 ,都令我對您們充滿信心。無論我有多麻煩您們 , Connie及 Wendy都十分耐心及詳細地跟進我的問題 ,這是令我最感謝的 ,您們親切的態度及笑容都會留在我心。是您們令我能順利往澳洲 ,希望將來能請您們大吃一頓吧 !
Deki Leung(Southern Cross University) |
過左澳洲成年 ,依家先返黎探班 ,真係唔好意思 !! Macquarie讀書都 ok. Thank you Connie介紹俾我。
依家我都有 d 朋友仔經 Super Red 到 Oversea 讀書。今次上黎除左探班 ,仲要搵佢地幫手整 enrollment既野 , 起初仲以為佢地唔會點理我 ,話晒都成年 ,不過 Connie& Wendy都好好人 ,好 nice咁幫我。 Thanks Connie & Wendy!
Chloe Ting(SIBT) |
終於入到大學 ,總算覺得當初並沒有選擇錯 ,在 MU讀書感覺不錯 ,多謝 Super Red,特別係 Connie說服到我家人 ,雖然得自己一個人過去 ,但擴闊到自己的生活圈子 ,總算有所得著 ,每次你地都幫我處理學費 ,深感抱歉 ,希望你地唔好介意。最後 ,在金融危機下 ,祝福每個人心想事成 ,
身體健康 。
Ken Kwok(Macquarie University) |
Australia is a quite good place for studying. I am studying in Adelaide where a multi-national’s city is, always shiny and nice people are found. My host family is also a good place for me which can be said to be my second home, they are nice to me, always care about my life there, their cooking is delicious too! Studying in Adelaide is a good choice because students can balance between academic and entertainment well. Therefore, come and study in Adelaide!!
Dasiy Lui(University of South Australia) |
Thank you very much for everything! You’re all really nice and professional! As you never seem to find my mum annoying! Thanks for helping me and Natalie (my elder sister). I don’t really know what else to say now except MANY THANKS! I’m sure I’m going to have a lot of fun in Australia and I will study hard! Keep in touch!
Janet Sung(Macquarie University) |
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